Abdalrahman Alqalaq


Abdalrahman Alqalaq (1997, Alyarmouk near Damascus) is a Syrian-Palestinian writer, poet and performer. Together with artist Martin Eckrich, he created the poetry performance "Die Flucht" in 2017. As part of the Kultursommer Rheinland-Pfalz 2019, texts on the theme of "heimat/en" under the title "Hier bin ich gern - fremd!". In 2022, his poetry debut "vierundzwanzig" was published in Arabic by Elles Publishing House in Cairo. He is currently studying cultural studies and aesthetic practice with a focus on theater and literature, as well as cultural policy in international comparison at the University of Hildesheim and at the Université MV in Rabat. In 2024, Wallstein Verlag published his first book in German, "Übergangsritus", a collection of poems and short prose.


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