Dana Michel


Dana Michel is a choreographer and performer based in Montreal. She is part of the contemporary dance company Par B.L.eux, founded by Benoît Lachambre. Her work interacts with the expanded fields of improvisation, sculpture, hip-hop, comedy, cinema, dubbing and social commentary to create a centrifuge of experience. Prior to graduating from Concordia University's BFA Contemporary Dance program, Michel worked as a marketing manager, runner and soccer player. In 2014, she was awarded the Jardin d'Europe Award for Outstanding Artistic Achievement at ImPulsTanz and was listed as a Notable Female Choreographer of the Year by The New York Times. At the Biennale di Venezia 2017, Michel received the Silver Lion for Innovation in Dance. In 2018, she became the first female dance artist at the National Arts Center in Otawa, Canada.

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