Florian Malzacher


Florian Malzacher is a curator, writer, dramaturg and visiting professor for dramaturgy and curatorial practice at the University of Design & Arts in Karlsruhe. Since 2021 he hosts The Art of Assembly, a series of lectures and talks about the potential of gathering in art, activism, and politics. He was artistic director of Impulse Theater Festival in Cologne, Dusseldorf and Mulheim/Ruhr (2013-2017), and co-curator of the multidisciplinary arts festival steirischer herbst in Graz/Austria (2006-2012). Among his numerous publications are Truth is concrete. A Handbook for Artistic Strategies in Real Politics“ (2014, with steirischer herbst), Not Just a Mirror. Looking for the Political Theatre of Today (2015), Empty Stages, Crowded Flats. Performativity as Curatorial Strategy (2017, with Joanna Warsza), and The Art of Assembly. Political Theatre Today (Engl. Edition 2023). His books and essays have been translated into more than fifteen languages. 


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