Katharina Wenty (Künstlerin)


Katharina Wenty (1995, Korneuburg) is one of the internationally best-known slam poets in the German-speaking world thanks to her numerous appearances. As a filmmaker, she has already been part of several short film festivals. She has won the media literacy award and the zeitimpuls short film award. In 2018, she won the title of Poetry Slam State Champion for Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland. She founded Poetry slam'md – Association for Stage Art, Literature and Youth Culture in 2020 – as its chairwoman, she organizes and moderates monthly poetry slams with an international focus in Mödling. She represents Austria in the World Poetry Slam Organization and is involved in the organization of annual European and World Championships. She is also part of the team of the Art Visuals & Poetry Film Festival, the second largest poetry film festival in the world. Katharina Wenty lives, studies and works in Vienna.


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