Teresa Distelberger


Teresa Distelberger (1981) grew up in Herzogenburg and spent her youth in St. Pölten. After studying linguistics and film in Vienna in 2006, she researched "Austrian Identities" in Ruth Wodak's team and completed her master's degree in "Arts in Practice" at the Dutch Art Institute in 2020.

In addition to short films and documentaries, she has created performances, installations and dialogue-based art spaces in which she has explored rural traditions, urban and global living environments, the culture of remembrance and a multi-layered interpretation of the controversial concept of homeland. In 2018, she founded the "Salon of homeland feelings", which has been held annually on the bank holidays ever since and developed the dialogue game "about home" from it. As part of the Festival of Regions (2019, 2021 and beyond), she co-created art projects with various participatory processes that dealt with an update of folk art and commemorative culture.

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