Tine Milz & Fabian Saul


Fabian Saul (1986) is an author, composer and, since 2013, editor-in-chief of the award-winning magazine Flaneur. In addition to his writing, he works as a composer of film music and songwriter, under the stage name SAUL. His work has been awarded the Alfred Döblin Medal, the Roger Willemsen Foundation Scholarship and the Harald Gerlach Scholarship, among others.

Tine Milz (1989) has been dramaturg and co-director of Theater Neumarkt Zurich since 2019. She was a member of the art and performance collective KAPITÆL ZWEI KOLEKTIF, which was co-founded by Ersan Mondtag, among others. Milz has worked as a production dramaturg at Schauspiel Frankfurt and Münchner Kammerspiele, was part of the jury of the festival Politik im Freien Theater and is on the advisory board of Therese Willstedt's theater in Växjö. She organizes and conceives readings and performances and works as a performer in various projects.