exhibition mediation workshop discourse & discussion conference Stadtprojekte
Su, 8. September 2024 16:00

Artistic Research Workshop “Concealing and Revealing”

with Kike

STARTraumverwandlung #5 / Plattform KulturhauptSTART

Festivalzentrum Linzer Straße 16 STARTraum

Past event

© Kike Chueca Simon


Artistic Research Workshop "Concealing and Revealing" with Kike Chueca Simon (in English)


Dr. Kike invites you to an archaeological-artistic process! Join us and become part of a new archaeological movement! Which objects are meaningful to you in relation to the independent scene, community work or subcultures in general? Let's appreciate together the objects that play an important role for us or that make up a significant part of the "spirit" of the Löwinnenhof*.


"In the workshop conducted by me, the very honourable Dr. Kike, there will be an exercise of embalming precious objects that each of the participants will bring to immerse in a shell of plaster and sand, so that in time the participants themselves will perform the role of archaeologists unearthing, rediscovering and re-signifying their precious objects. To participate in the project, participants will be required to show up on the day of the workshop with the object they wish to bury." - Dr. Kike


In the workshop led by the very famous and extremely scientific Dr. Kike, precious objects related to subculture will be coated with a mixture of plaster and sand. Participants will later take on the role of a* temporary archaeologist and explore the covered objects from new perspectives using archaeological techniques.


Bring your own objects from your community space, desk or archive or join Dr. Kike on a search for suitable objects in the Löwinnenhof*. (Don't worry, the objects will be treated with care and remain intact).

Questions and registration (feel free to drop by spontaneously and unannounced) to the Performative Documentation Center @icfdarositcotccpas, personally to Dr. Kike @kikkkke_ (Instagram) or via mail to produktion@kutlurhauptstart.at!


- Sat, 24.08 (16-20:00)
- Sun, 01.09 (16-20:00)
- Sun, 08.09 (16-20:00)

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