performance world premiere
Sa, 5. October 2024 14:00

Zusammen oder getrennt?

God's Entertainment
Rathausplatz St. Pölten

Past event

Zusammen oder getrennt? © Gods Entertainment


Whether old or young, rich or poor, small or large, drunk or sober, courageous or distrustful: ultimately, all people in our society shaped by the Anglo-American and European legal systems balance on the fine line we still call democracy. At the same time, we are all witnesses to a present that is marked by increasing scepticism towards a concept of democracy that is repeatedly undermined by states, overrun by economic interests or distorted by populist currents, and which, incidentally, leaves out entire population groups completely. 

So the heart of democracy beats apart from the many and is not reflected in a National Council election (the next one in Austria will take place in autumn 2024, status: editorial deadline). On this occasion, God’s Entertainment is launching its own election campaign. It’s about voting for the heart of democracy. It is a controversial, abstract, but hotly courted motif that has long since reached the centre of society. It will be a turbulent election campaign, mudslinging included. Something will change, that much seems certain, but the direction for the total work of art has not yet been decided. 

God’s Entertainment is a collective that works experimentally in the fields of performance, happening, visual art and sound. Their productions confront the political and cultural identity of Austria. As a playground for performances the collective does not only use the theatre stage: there are also ongoing actions in public. The most important point is the involvement of the audience, which characterises most of its works. 


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