Spielzeit 2024/2025 theatre music dance austrian premiere

The days out there

Lola Arias
Landestheater Niederösterreich


The number of women in Buenos Aires prisons has doubled in the last five years. Most of them are imprisoned for violating Law No. 23.737, which refers to drug trafficking. Many of them are drug mules who use their bodies to transport drugs.


Yoseli, one of the main protagonists, was held up at Ezeiza airport on her way to Europe. A modelling agency had promised her a job in Barcelona. Unbeknownst to her, she had two kilograms of cocaine in her suitcase. 

After conducting theater workshops in the Ezeiza prison in Buenos Aires, Lola Arias decided to make a film and a play featuring women and trans people who spent years in Argentinian prisons and are now free. The film reconstructs their experiences in prison, the play focuses on the time after prison. 

“Jail Rock” (working title) is a musical theatre piece based on the lives of the performers. The aim of the play is not to give a mere account of their experiences but to reinvent the musical genre in documentary form by mixing scenes and stories from their real lives with music and choreography.


Argentinian Lola Arias is a writer, theatre and film director. As a multi- and interdisciplinary artist, her work brings together people from different backgrounds (war veterans, former communists, children of migrants, etc.) in theatre, film, literature, music and art projects. Lola Arias’ works play with the intersections of reality and fiction.


    • Mit
      Yoseli Arias, Delfino Natal Delfino (in replacement of Ignacio Rodriguez), Estefanía Hardcastle, Noelia Perez, Paulita Asturayme, Carla Canteros
    • Musikerin auf der Bühne
      Inés Copertino
    • Dramaturgie
      Bibiana Mendes
    • Musikalische Komposition
      Ulises Conti, Inés Copertino
    • Choreographie
      Andrea Servera
    • Szenografie
      Mariana Tirantte
    • Technische Leitung und Lichtdesign
      David Seldes
    • Technische Leitung on Tour
      Matías Pagliocca
    • Kostüm
      Andy Pfiffer
    • Video
      Martin Borini
    • Sounddesign
      Ernesto Fara
    • Stagehands
      Manuel Ordenavia, Roberto Baldinelli, Andrés Pérez
    • Assistenz der Technischen Leitung
      David Facundo
    • Regieassistenz
      Pablo Arias Garcia
    • Tourmanagement
      Lucila Pfiffer
    • Dramaturgische Beratung
      Alan Pauls
    • Produktion und Vertrieb
      Emmanuelle Ossena & Lison Bellanger - EPOC productions
    • Künstlerische Produktion
      Luz Algranti & Sofia Medici
    • Produktion & Administration Lola Arias Company
      Mara Martínez
    • Technische Produktion
      Ezequiel Paredes
    • Produktionsassistenz
      Juan Manuel Zuluaga Bolivar
    • Bühnenassistenz
      Lara Stilstein
    • Casting
      Talata Rodriguez (GEMA Films) Rechtsberatung Felix Helou
    • Sozialarbeit
      Soledad Ballesteros & Matias Coria
    • Bühnenbau
      Workshops des Théâtre National Wallonie Bruxelles
    • Produktion
      Lola Arias Company / Associated producer Gema Films
    • Koproduktion
      Nationaltheatret Oslo (Norway), Scène nationale du Sud-Aquitain (Bayonne, France), Le Parvis Scène nationale Tarbes-Pyrénées (France), La Rose des vents Scène nationale Lille Métropole Villeneuve-d'Ascq (France), NEXT Festival (France), Théâtre National de Strasbourg (France), International Sommerfestival Kampnagel (Germany), Théâtre national de Bordeaux en Aquitaine (France), Zürcher Theater Spektakel (Switzerland), Complejo Teatral de Buenos Aires, Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm (Germany), Festival d'Avignon (France), The Brighton Festival (England), CDN Orléans / Centre-Val de Loire (France), Festival d'Automne à Paris, Théâtre de la Ville Paris (France), Fonds TransFabrik – deutsch-französischer Fonds für darstellende Künste, Comédie de Genève (Switzerland), Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles (Belgium), Tangente St. Pölten - Festival für Gegenwartskultur (Austria), Theaterfestival Basel, Kaserne Basel (Switzerland), Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin (Germany)

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