walk theatre performance
Sa, 29. June 2024 14:00

X-Erinnerungen / Route Zentrum

Start times between 14:00 and 16:30 (every 10 minutes)

Tour through the city along private homes and other places of memory

Tourstart am Bahnhofsplatz 1, St. Pölten (im leerstehenden Ladenlokal links neben dem Waggon-Café)

Past event

X-Erinnerungen / Route Zentrum © TangenteSt.Pölten


For “X-Erinnerungen”, local and international artists go in search of traces in St. Pölten. A total of 21 locations, including private apartments, abandoned factories and hidden clubhouses, will become places where memories are negotiated.


Along three routes in the north, south and through the center of St. Pölten, the participating artists will develop ten-minute performances, plays, concerts and installations, which will be explored in groups of two. Researched, imagined and remembered material is combined with local contexts. The boundaries between public and private, between reality and staging, become blurred and invite you to become an archaeologist of your own city.



Route Zentrum

The route leads through familiar terrain in the city center, through living rooms with their own altars and personal collections, past the reopened synagogue and into the government district, the place of St. Pölten's political present. Private apartments alternate with places where politics is already inscribed in the building structure. Personal spaces become political venues and vice versa. Questions about the past and its continuities arise particularly in times of change, when claims to power are secured by new or rediscovered narratives. In this confusing field of memory, the private sphere gains in importance. What emerges there in passing and in direct interaction can provide alternatives to the dominant narratives. Biographical memories of growing up in Lower Austria, arriving in St. Pölten or life in the diaspora are explored in the “X memories” for their potential for a shared heritage. 



Route Zentrum with:
Alibeta, María Galindo, Trajal Harrell, Dana Michel, Tine Milz & Fabian Saul, Studierende am Institut für Sprachkunst (Wien) & Jenni Bohn, Elisabeth Weilenmann. *


Alibeta is a senegalese artist and a busy bee, gathering from multiple universes of the arts. He cherishes traditions, yet with an eye to the future, whose bold and vigorous voice he can already hear. With him, we transcend unimaginable borders, grasping the full meaning of the word «orality». 


María Galindo is a feminist activist from Bolivia. Her art and performances have been invited worldwide. Including Dokumenta 14, this year's Venice Biennale and the upcoming Sao Paolo Biennale 2027.


Trajal Harrell  is considered to be one of the most important choreographers working in contemporary dance today. The artist puts the body at the centre of his research exploring the ways in which it becomes a receptacle of memory, the past and historical characters.


Dana Michel is a live artist based in Montréal, Canada. Her works interact with the expanded fields of improvisation, choreography, sculpture, comedy, hip-hop, cinematography, techno, poetry, psychology, dub and social commentary to create a centrifuge of experience.


Tine Milz is co-artistic director of the Zürcher Theater Neumarkt, works as a curator, dramaturge, performance maker, literary moderator and writes texts. Fabian Saul is an author, composer and editor-in-chief of the award-winning magazine Flaneur. In addition to his writing, he works as a composer and songwriter.


Students of the Angewandte Wien. Under the direction of Jenni Bohn (Burg Hülshoff - Center for Literature, CfL) a group of young authors came together as part of the seminar “Malina. Das ist kein Liebesroman” at the Institute for Language Arts (Vienna) to explore the legacy of Ingeborg Bachmann: Nicole Collignon, Sára Köhnlein, Alina Sauernheimer, Lena Schmidt, Felix Senzenberger, Etienne Thierry, Leonie Lorena Wyss.


Elisabeth Weilenmann has been interweaving sound, voice and text for 18 years. She writes and directs radio plays and radio documentaries, creates AUDIOustellungen and AUDIOgames. She has received several awards for her work, including the Prix Europa and the Juliane Bartel Medienpreis.


* Routes may change at short notice. You can always find up-to-date information about the routes and the participating artists here on the website.



General information:
You decide on a starting time in advance. We ask you to arrive at the starting point at least 10 minutes before the start time.

If you arrive late, we will unfortunately have to release your ticket. As there are always two of you on the tour, no more than two tickets can be purchased per route. The end point will be connected to the main station by public transport.

Between the seven individual stations you will walk for approx. 5-15 minutes. We ask that you bring good shoes, sufficient water and a small snack, sun protection or rainwear if necessary.

Please enter your e-mail address when purchasing your tickets so that we can send you the latest important information before the shows.


approx. 3 hours


German, English, Ewe, Niederösterreichisch (Lower Austrian), Spanish and many more.


Age recommendation:
From 12 years


Notes on accessibility: 
The routes are not barrier-free. If required, please contact
x-erinnerungen@tangente-st-poelten.at and we will develop a route for you that allows you to participate.


Content Notes:
If you have any questions about content notes, please contact

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Tangente St. Pölten
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