walk theatre performance
Fri, 28. June 2024 16:00 Uhr


Matthias Lilienthal / Helena Eckert / Friederike Kötter
An mehreren Orten in St. Pölten
© Madina Esmursaeva


All over the world, colonial monuments are being toppled, streets renamed and history is being rewritten. The memories of long-suppressed perspectives are finally being heard. At the same time, nationalist-right forces in Austria and elsewhere are trying to hijack memory and reinterpret history.


For “X-Erinnerungen”, local and international artists set out on a search for traces throughout St. Pölten. A total of 21 places, including private flats, abandoned factories, historic farms and hidden clubhouses, will become sites for the negotiation of memories. What stories are hidden in the living room behind the inconspicuous façade in the pedestrian zone? And where do the stories of the former Glanz­stoff factory, whose smell hung over St. Pölten for decades, take us?


Along three routes through the city, the participating artists develop ten minute performances, plays or installations, which the audience explores in groups of two. They connect the imaginary, researched or experienced with the local contexts and thus create unexpected encounters between then and now, here and there. How can we remember together and what perspectives does this open up for the way we live together in the future?


“X-Erinnerungen” is an extension of the successful format “X-Wohnungen”, invented by theatre maker Matthias Lilienthal, which has been realised in Johannesburg, Caracas, Berlin and Duisburg, among other places, since its premiere in 2002.


  • Kuratiert von
    Matthias Lillienthal, Helena Eckert, Friederike Kötter
  • Produktionsleitung
    Friederike Kötter
  • Mit Projekten von
    Alibeta, Marga Alfeirão, Kurdwin Ayub, ‚Bruch‘-, crazinisT artisT, Tim Etchells, María Galindo, Institut für Medien, Politik und Theater, Seba Kayan, makemake produktionen/Sara Ostertag/Paul Plut, Dana Michel, Tine Milz & Fabian Saul, Maksym Rokmaniko (The Center for Spatial Technologies), Samouil Stoyanov, Studierende am Institut für Sprachkunst (Wien), Theater Perpetuum, Elisabeth Weilenmann, Sandra Wollner, Trajal Harrell

Weitere Termine

walk theatre performance
An mehreren Orten in St. Pölten
walk theatre performance
An mehreren Orten in St. Pölten